Friday, March 18, 2011

Hi ! Thanks to Hazel for the pictures below . (: Sorry if i didn't put any picture of you . T.T I'm not being bias , i just randomly pick these picture from hazel's album in facebook .

Hazel : 'didnt know my ponytail was this ugly ._.'

Hazel cow key chain ! D:

Say cheese ! :D

lol . Ms zhang was in a rush i guess . x3

LOL . We're walking to somewhere where there is a rainbow . xD

Oh .. My .. Gawd .. Head view . xD

Signing off ,
Gerald . ^^v

Thursday, March 17, 2011


Nina hereeee~
Well , hows your holidaee guys ?
i know , its gonna end soon ,
but cheer up ,
you still have your fwen at school , to have fun with ^^
Not at homee only to have fun ,
school also cann (:
You all have done your homework & project or not ?
im doing nowww~
Damn freakin what siak ,
alot of things to doooo ~
Buhbyeee , GOTOGOOOOO~
Ill come back and updateee again when im freee(:
Love youuu alll ^^
Cheerio , love ; NinaMars ^^

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Look into my innocent eyes .
HEY ! Sorry for not posting the past few day. :x I was kinda 'busy' Projects , etc . :D Did Valerie gave out the Science Holiday Homework ? I didn't receive , die lo . D: Ok , need to do something now . Doddles ! :D Later i continue from here . x3

-Gerald . (:

Sunday, March 13, 2011

This ice cream is from Jack Place. Is also very nice. A pie plus a scoop of ice cream.Ben and Jerry ice cream is also nice! Maybe we can go eat other time. Lets target to eat lots kinds of ice cream.
Chocolate Fondue look delicious! Class Outing next time, lets go swensen and eat! I just ate it yeaterday. Its is fantastic.

@Manny- this time ice cream is much more delicious than yours.
And please continue the song in your next post.
( The wheel on the bus go round and round, ....)

Hi there . :3 guess what , I am using iPhone to post this ! :D Hmm , I wonder why this blog so dead one ? :\ I'm like the only one posting . D: I feel lonely leh . ): post next time ok ? (: Tomorrow getting coke ! 8) AWESOME . Okays I go eat now :B byes . Signing off .. Gerald . (:

Friday, March 11, 2011

Need some pictures from the camp , hope ms zhang got upload it in facebok (if she have) . :(
BOO! :D HELLO . :3 Hows' the feeling of being at home ? (: Shiock right , seeing your computer , bed ,etc in front of you . :B Missing all those games and peaceful sleep you have at home . The camp wasn't that bad right ? :\ I'm sure you'all did enjoy the moutain biking / Kayatching / Outdoor Cooking ? (: I suddenly feel sick , dont know why . Hope i get well soon , so i can get mine coke from ms zhang . :d Gonna go do other things , so doodles ! :D See ya in school next week . (:
Gerald .
Smile every minute of your life .

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Camp \m/

Hello, Rysha Here. Hahaha.
First time writing on our class blog. Err, Tomorrow
Is Camp day. Hope you guys have fun^^v you all pack already?
I done with my packing already. Errs, Dont forget to drink alot of water
and'and Sleep EARLY. hahahas. Yeaah. Ok laa. That's all.
Rysha Shaffiqqa (:
 Desktop Wallpaper · Gallery · Miscellaneous 
 Cat - Keep Your Smile
Smile til your jaw drops , no matter what happens . (:
HELLO 2A2 . :D I know that you all dont like the camp t'shirt . :3 I also dont like it . x-x The design is kinda of weird right ? :\ Btw : Ms Zhang say she giving the calss tee during march holiday (Monday) , But i want stay at home ! D:  Ohyeah , please help keep the class blog active please . ): Refer to the note i make in the Class Group for the login info . (: Gonna add some random pictures on this post once the camera lady upload the photo on her computer . :3 Gonna use label for my post(s) from now onwards . :p
@Germaine - My ice-cream picture more nice than you , but your one look nicer . D: 
Made this little promotion video on auditionsea . (Preview version) .

-Gerald .

*Link to the note in the Group .

Monday, March 7, 2011

This ice cream is the best. Confirm very delicious! OMG! I feel like eating. Yumyum!~Tmr go eat ben and jerry ice cream alr. Cant wait.
This is a green and plain ice cream, but even its look original, the taste of the ice cream will be fantastic. Better than Gerald show the ice cream picture below.
HEY! @MANNY- Why you post the ice-cream picture. I see the picture alr, feel like eating you know. Nvm, this picture can show the class that you must share good ice cream with others. LOL. Nothing to post. Byes!

With Delicious ice cream...

Enjoy your day with ice-cream . (: 
woah , the class blog is really dead in the tagboard . D: Please do tag regularly if possible . ): If not i will just close this class blog ! :x Hope i dont really need to do so . (: Btw , did everyone like today's programme ? :\ Bored right ?! :@ Going to add a facebook like system soon . (: Stay tuned to that . :D Okays , i shall go play my maplestory now . :3 BYES ! :D LOOKING FORWARD TO CAMP ! <3 
Gerald . (:

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Hi 2a2, still packing your camp stuffs? No, i haven even pack my camp stuff... YESTERDAY, I go buy my sleeping bag, and i bought the wrong want. There written Unhooded. I now than know. Tmr still nid to go all the way to Giant to just to change a sleeping bag. So unlucky right.. Hope tmr will be a better day. Cant wait for camp so are you looking forward for that camp. But the problem is i haven pack my bag... -.- LAZY...
Byes! nothing else to post alr.

HARLO ! :D ANYONE PACKING THERE CAMPING THINGS NOW ? :3 NOT ME . D: Lazy pack . ): Okays , need to complete my history projects , etc .. So byes ! (: Enjoy your weekend .
-Gerald . ^^v

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Patrick : I love my weekend in bikini bottom cause i got my best friend , spongebob there with me . :3

Today is a brand new day do you agree ? (: Hows' your weekend ? Packing your camp stuffs or having tuition like me ? :D  Okays, nothing esle to post so byes ! :D
Signing off 
Gerald . 

Friday, March 4, 2011

Hey guys ! :D
Homework Update:

  1. Goto ace-learning and do the graded assignment under the Homework Tab .
  2. Complete the English Holiday assignment (Infomal letter) .
End of Homework Update . :D  Camp is coming soon , anyone excited ? :D 1 week more til Holiday start . (:
-Gerald .

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Halo! Today is a bored day. Than English Literacy the aircon very cold sia, until my ear blocked. Than raining, cannot go home, with my friends stay till 4.30 than walk to bus stop. And trouble over some friendship problem, hope there no nid to go school. And gaya scolded Asley today just because of a bottle of drinks. Crazy right. LOL. Everyday in Gaya lesson, there will be no peace at all.

byee! Nothing else to said alr..

HI EVERYONE . How was the aircon in the Computer Lab ? :3 Shiock right ? :D today no homework ! :D Have fun . ^^v Okays, i gtg . Buhbyes . Name on the right can be click , it will redirect to the person's facebook account . ^^v If want your link to be removed , Please leave a message in the tagboard . :D

*If anyone want to post on this blog , please refer to the note on 2A2'2011 The best of best Group on fb . :D 

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

I am the second to post somethin in this blog...
Tmr is a new day to start with. Hope it will be a good day. And i gonna draw more Patrick tmr again. A perfect wan.
Nothing to said alr. Fullstopppp! :) Byee!


First post !

HELLO ALL ! First post by Gerald ! :D LOL . Nothing esle to say so buhbye . ^^v

- Gerald .

*This blog is still under editing by me(Gerald) . (: